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Hypothetical Situationist
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    Hopeless Project Camelot


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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Beren Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:11 am

    Brook wrote:
    Carol wrote:Due to the level of boredom that breeds from stories of hoaxland and disinfo endarkened beings we focus here on earth - back to the garden and the story of honey bees. We're doing much better now (the bees and me), thank you very much and I can work around them on the back end of the hive without protective clothing and gloves. However, the next task is to clear off some of the bees wax from the frames occupied by the flighty creatures. Needless to say I'm somewhat nervous and anxious at what this entails and will be outfitted in full protective clothing for the project after I get my nerve plucked up to handle this daunting task. The maintenance of bees is far more invigorating then caring for the ducks who have given up on raping the hens. Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 245713 The poor dears. I wonder if it was as good for them as it was for Paddlefoot.

    Ducks raping hens?!?!?! What is this world coming to....... Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 420354

    Well since cows are now carnivores and chicks too... we might have the mad duck attack upon the world...

    We had mad cows, swine flu, bird flu...

    Seems like it's a mind flu...

    Hypothetical Situationist
    Hypothetical Situationist

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Hypothetical Situationist Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:48 am

    Floyd wrote:Saw that tour The Floyd

    Buy a new Project Disinofalot t- shirt

    On the back it says 'we feed you bullshit for breakfast'.

    A snip at $23

    This post was brought to you by our sponsers Hoaxland and Wilcrook and their amazing inside knowledge of predicting outrageous events that never happen. Just to keep you distracted and out of focus.

    Have a nice day.

    Haha, Nice one. They might sell better though if they had a picture of the Beatles 'Magical Mystery Tour Bus' printed on the back though, with your tour guides - David Wilcock & Ashayana Deane at the helm.. It's almost as honest, because for a small (or large) fee they will certainly take you on a fantastical trip round the galaxy and back..

    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 4144

    As you know though Floyd, I don't like to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and in doing so dismiss the (few) potential nuggets of worthy information and genuine contributions that Camelot and their witnesses have made to this never ending mystery. I have no doubt that within the layers of disinformation and fantasy, we've been afforded a few worthy facts and revelations, if only a few..

    Here is my official assessment of 'Camelot & Friends':

    I don't want to be nasty to Kerry, because I honestly think she means well and has given things her full effort, despite some serious lapses in judgment/good taste.. Especially in becoming associated with that A. Deane character, who is undoubtedly a professional fraudster, and is simply cashing in on the 'Camelot market' because she realized she could sell her jive to the Camelot audience.. Whatever Kerry's motivations, Deane is NOT a whistleblower or a witness to anything other than her own scams, but I feel it's important to note when something is a grey area, and I really don't think Kerry herself is a conscious scammer, or at least she didn't start out that way.

    Personally, I think she started out on a journey to try and uncover truth, and got waylaid by all the disinformants that were sent to her by the intelligence community. The truth-seeking was turned into a circus pretty quickly, and it turned into a search for entertainment from there on in. Like all good disinformants, they gave her snippets of truth mixed with a heavy dose of exactly what she wanted to hear, and between her, these agents, and all of their associates - they constructed an epic science fiction narrative that has become so large, layered and convoluted - that it is difficult for them to consider it might all be a farce.. Can you imagine the fallout that would result in that whole house of cards coming down? As I said before, it would be like finding out there is no god, or that you'd been living a total lie.. Not many people are willing to face that kind of pain and internal humiliation, and in some ways I can't blame Kerry for staying the course. They've built up an entire worldview, with a whole community of believable liars and amicable, but misled witnesses spinning all kinds of rubbish and constantly reaffirming their beliefs, that it would be difficult for them to believe that a lie could be so big..

    As is always the case - the bigger the lie, the more readily it is believed. If the establishment wants people to be chasing reptiles, stargates and aliens; they're not going to just send one or two people out to start spinning, they're going to send a whole army out over a period of years, and they're going to keep building on that narrative with all their resources and expertise in human psychology, so that it 'must' be true..

    As for Bill Ryan - whatever his deal is, I don't think anyone can trust him, especially after his part in the systematic deception of Avalon followers, and all the rubbish that surrounded that fiasco. It's clear that the spiel he dishes out about honesty and transparency is far from the truth - regardless of what the details are. He is in it for reasons other than what he claims, and from my perspective he almost seemed to be wanting to start up some kind of cult or build a new-age empire of some description, with himself as the 'humble messiah..' I could be wrong, but I got some really dodgy vibes from him, during and after the Charles fiasco.

    I don't really know anything about that 'Inelia Benz' character, but the whole thing stunk to high heaven and I suspected that she was being used by Bill Ryan as a vehicle through which to promote himself and his latest business endeavor - some attempt at starting up a new narrative on which he intended to build a following of some sort. That's what it looked like anyway. Either that or a desperate attempt to reinvigorate his image and contain the PR damage in the wake of the Charles fiasco.

    The other close associates of Camelot constitute a grey area though, in my opinion anyway:

    I think Hoagland's work on the Moon and Mars is valid and worthy, but the roller-coaster ride of cosmic conspiracy theory that he has taken us on since then, is just him trying to keep people interested in his work. I don't think he honestly believes the incredible bunk that he dishes out on the radio etc, and he just formulates these spectacular theories to distract people from the fact that he's a dying star in the UFO circuit, with no new material left to contribute. Unlike some people though, his initial work was based on real data, and so I still have some respect for his earlier contributions. This stuff with Elenin and YU55 was a fricking circus though - he certainly knows how to spin a line..

    As for Wilcock - I think in one way he has been programmed by all the new-age, 'Barbara Marciniak/Law of One' type material, so has himself been a victim of heavy new-age propaganda, which is just as powerful as any other religious brainwashing - but on the other he has willfully made some utterly ludicrous claims about 2012 and 'ascension'; re-hashing all the old myths and mixing them together with a load of flimsy pseudoscience and snippets of popular UFO culture, in order to peddle a sensational science fiction book under the guise of 'non fiction', and make some big bucks on Amazon. He's got one hell of an ego, and is also very gullible - even his buddy Hoagland has said ''David will believe anyone who says they're an insider'' Including the obviously fraudulent Ben Fulford.. Again - I don't know how conscious he is of his own fraud, but anyone who gets put on the NY Times Bestsellers list, has been placed there with the expressed authorization of the CFR, in order to entertain and distract the public, not inform them. It takes big bucks and the approval of the CFR to get published and get on that list, and so you can rest assured that his book is only going to lead people round in circles with lots of false hope about the future and unprovable theories about the past.. World shattering revelations do not get published in bestselling books - at least not before a series of lengthy court cases and some very serious opposition.

    In Wilcock's world though, he got published because he is a reincarnation of some prophet who gets visions of the future through his dreams, and it was his synchro-mystic destiny to shepherd the world into the new-age.... However he started out - he is now right up there with the best of the new-age heroes; entertaining people and obfuscating what little truth lies in his publications with lots of flowery, utopian rhetoric that will only come back to bite him in the arse in 2013..

    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 DavidWilcockSearch

    I would probably categorize Richard Dolan as a 'friend of Camelot' but I have to say that as a scholar, he has probably done some of the most solid and academically viable work out there on the subject of UFO's. Traditionally, he maintained his objectivity and didn't get too caught up with belief or conjecture, preferring documentation and official record over opinion or testimony - although in recent years he seems to have become much more sympathetic to the 'Camelot' brand of UFO dialogue, and we have seen reptiles start to creep their way into his repertoire.. Best way to compromise a legitimate researcher, IMO.

    Bob Dean - old man with a few good tales to tell, but who has allowed his love of storytelling to overtake his concern for truth. I feel the basic facts about his early military experience are valid, but all the stuff he added in after it was pretty shady and ambiguous, and I tend to think he makes things up these days in order to maintain an audience, or is at the very least exaggerating and inflating his experiences to a very high degree.. I think he also gets fed a load of nonsense through his 'old boy network' which he unfortunately seems to take as gospel.. Heart in the right place though.

    And last but not least, Kerry's latest recruit (or is it the other way round?) - Ashayana Deane:

    Nothing short of a total fraudster and self styled cult leader if you ask me. Nothing good to say about her; pure, new-age hucksterism.. The internet is absolutely packed with these scheming opportunists, who seem to have a talent for convincing themselves (and others) of the most made up, contrived pseudo-spiritual nonsense, in order to boost themselves into internet stardom and make an easy buck in the process. I don't doubt that some of them have a genuine interest in some of the material, but what they seem to do is study all the popular new-age material, re-hash it with a heavy dose of their own bullshit, and then spin it back to the new-age community as if it's some kind of sacred truth. They take the most popular parts of new-age literature, UFO culture, and ancient myths, and weave them all into a comprehensive, pre-packaged belief system which they can sell to gullible new-agers who are on the lookout for a new religion to join. And that's it - it is a religion and a cult, in every sense of the word. One that has been custom made for the new-age zeitgeist by characters that know full well what they're doing..

    Why in the world Kerry Cassidy has decided to openly promote this sinister character, I don't know, but I can only imagine that there might be some practical incentive for doing so. Kerry may be naive and impressionable, but I don't think she is patently stupid, and certainly not confused enough to actually buy the fraudulent religious product that Deane is peddling. I have found and observed, that many of the most 'spiritual, loving enlightened' people are actually some of the most dark, toxic and cynical creatures on the planet - once the mask is removed. Who in their right mind would be happy to manufacture a cult, and then take pleasure in being enshrined by a flock of very lost and confused people? Not to mention the blatant extortion of cash.. It takes a certain personality type, usually someone with sociopathic tendencies or personality disorders to knowingly (and happily) promote a lie as if it is the truth. Politics and finance are the usual professions for these types, as they always gravitate toward power and grandiosity, no matter what the cost, but not all of them are capable of getting to that level. The cult-leading profession is perhaps the second best thing for the career sociopath who doesn't like office hours or business dress. She's probably high on coke half the time, as she looks totally fried in all of her photos, and I have heard someone else mention that this was the case. One can only guess as to whether she's managed to convince herself of any of the claptrap she spouts, or whether the whole gig is a deliberate and conscious scam.

    The other thing is that this kind of thing can be an industry in its own right too. It's always been known within certain circles and certain personality types, that you can bring in a fair wage in catering to religions or cults and/or writing books to suit their followers. There are always people around who have the right combination of cynicism, ego and cunning to plagiarize the existing literature and use it to churn out re-hashed books on the subject; making a fair bit of cash in the process. They themselves have no real interest in the subject, but they follow the rest of the literature and they know what to say to an audience to hook them in. Some people have no doubt made lucrative careers in the religious and new-age fields, writing under different pseudonyms or even speaking to groups; purely because they know what will sell. They're in it for the money and they have no care for the material, so they just keep pumping out books that tell people what they want to hear. I would put Deane in this category somewhere, although I am sure there is also a genuine element of mental delusion there as well, to whatever degree.. There is also the fact that the CIA an MI6 have been involved in creating and controlling these types of cults for decades; through the use of psychological manipulation, drugs, and covert technology, and we can only speculate as to whether there are any intelligence connections there.

    Anyway, that's my official write-up on Camelot and Friends - some black and some white, with some grey in the middle. Naive at best, and consciously fraudulent at worst.. In fairness though, it probably pays to remember that many of these people are victims too. Kerry has had a constant stream of disinformants aimed at her for 5 years, many of which she has befriended in good conscience, and so it's in many ways to be expected. I respect her effort, but I'm afraid there isn't much truth or enlightenment to be had there..

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Sanicle Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:55 am

    I really liked that HS, especially in that you give some of these people (like Kerry) the benefit of the doubt as just being well-intentioned humans who get sucked in by the 'players' out there and essentially forgive them (the Kerrys) their mistakes. From what I've seen and learned, psychopaths are incredibly clever at manipulating the desires and thought patterns of the well-intentioned whose warning systems get jaded or obscured. Sometimes it's easier for those able to stand back and objectively watch to see the warning signs than actually being center-stage in the drama, yes?

    Those, like you, who have the intelligence and ability to objectively study a situation while also seeing the psychology that might be in operation subjectively and make allowances for that are those I consider most worth listening to. It's just a shame that the people being taken for a ride are too 'busy' to listen to these warnings and/or they have their 'pitbulls' in place to shut them down.

    I'm so glad to see you posting your thoughts at the Mists. cheers I love you

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  mudra Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:38 am

    I agree with Sanicle .
    I appreciate your posts as well Hypothetical Situationist .
    I value the fact that you put things in balance in your assessment of people.
    I believe there is a middle path that allows us to stay grounded while using discernment.
    We should'nt become color blind by focusing only on either end of the spectrum but on the contrary
    always pay heed to the fact that there are many shades in between .
    It is easy to be fooled in this life when eagerly giving the responsability of one's life, hope and dreams to another.
    Unless one does the work for himself and thereby find his own truth it will always remain second hand.

    Love from me
    Hypothetical Situationist
    Hypothetical Situationist

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Hypothetical Situationist Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:10 pm

    Sanicle wrote:I really liked that HS, especially in that you give some of these people (like Kerry) the benefit of the doubt as just being well-intentioned humans who get sucked in by the 'players' out there and essentially forgive them (the Kerrys) their mistakes. From what I've seen and learned, psychopaths are incredibly clever at manipulating the desires and thought patterns of the well-intentioned whose warning systems get jaded or obscured. Sometimes it's easier for those able to stand back and objectively watch to see the warning signs than actually being center-stage in the drama, yes?

    Those, like you, who have the intelligence and ability to objectively study a situation while also seeing the psychology that might be in operation subjectively and make allowances for that are those I consider most worth listening to. It's just a shame that the people being taken for a ride are too 'busy' to listen to these warnings and/or they have their 'pitbulls' in place to shut them down.

    I'm so glad to see you posting your thoughts at the Mists. cheers I love you

    I'm glad you can see my point. I can definitely sympathize with those who throw out the whole debate and assign malintent to people like Cassidy and Hoagland etc, but I can also see the fact that there are legitimate concepts and points to be taken from their work too. Simply believing everything they say, or dismissing them altogether doesn't improve the situation, least of all a better understanding of these often complex dynamics. So many people do this - once they disagree with a single point, or if someone's conclusions have proven unsound - they furiously chuck the whole thing out, assuming that everything they've said must be untrue. I see no point in this, because it also tends to fracture and dichotomize the situation, and tends to get people polarized and fighting, rather than focusing on what they agree on and making use of it. It's like how the internet is full of people saying Alex Jones is bad, and Alex Jones is good - and neither side is 'right' per sé.

    There are certainly plenty of bald faced liars out there though, and you are right in saying that psychopaths are incredibly adept at manipulation. Because they feel no empathy, they are able to study human behaviour with complete objectivity, and so they see our emotions as a highly predictable, almost mechanical system of weaknesses; things that can and should be exploited by the 'superior types'. In feeling no empathy, they're also able to perfectly mimic human emotion without any sense of guilt, and so they can use this sculpted facsimile to come across as more convincing than non-psychopaths. They will use the best part of us against us, with no hesitation or regret, in order to deceive and misdirect us to their own advantage - regardless of how big or small their goal is. It is this cold, calculating, limitless ability to use human behaviour as a weapon - which allows them to deceive so many people, in all areas of life. The same feigned concern that a conniving politician has for the general public, is the same feigned sincerity that disinformants use on truthseekers. It's only the narrative that is adapted to the situation; the basic use of emotive sequences where they appeal to our common humanity is effective in any context.

    We all have those who we identify with or place preference upon, and there will always be those grey areas where truth is mixed in with falsehood, but I still think it's important to place priority on what we can prove and corroborate objectively. One of the biggest problems with Camelot is that a lot of people tend to place priority on what they want to believe, or what feels good, and so these people will always be willing targets for deception and victimization by the ruthless psychopath. They forget they're dealing with professionals who know humanity inside out, and who can absolutely convince them that they're on our side, because they suffer no guilt from such rampant deception. If you place priority on what can be proven, and leave the rest for personal consideration, you're a lot safer in general and it can also give you a better eye for deception, as you begin to discern the subtle differences between the genuine and disingenuous.

    There's nothing wrong with a little mystery and speculation, but the crux of the matter comes with how much time and energy people are putting into it, and where they are placing their priorities. On the flip side, if you simply throw out and ignore anything that can't be proven, then your scope of knowledge is going to be limited. I suppose it's about balance, and the ability to look at things on a case by case basis, whilst also looking at the bigger picture and the anatomy of information itself.


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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:54 pm

    mudra wrote:
    I appreciate your posts as well Hypothetical Situationist .
    I value the fact that you put things in balance in your assessment of people.

    Love from me

    They're a bit longish, though...

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Brook Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:39 pm regards to Ben Fulford.....I'm a bit at a loss on an article about a law suite that apparently has been seems to be a VERY real filed law suit. A very real Law Firm signed it.....and I'm not all together sure what to believe in regards to this Law Suit.

    If you have an's listed here as well.....I know of someone who saw it here.....

    Now I first thought it might be a fake.....but someone told me it was in the Sunday times...I'm waiting for verification to that however
    . Shocked

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Floyd Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:13 am

    For me there is not much practical use in taking the middle ground. Its all a bit wishy washy and not much can be learned from grey areas.

    4 years ago when I was out and about and if I bumped into someone who was interested in alternative subjects I would suggest they visit the Project Camelot website. Today I would suggest they avoid it like the plague. In fact it would be better not to mention it.

    If my nephew came up to me one day a few years back and said, "Uncle Floyd, im interested in alternative subjects etc and I steered him in the direction of Project Cameot and Avalon he may well be hanging on the every words of all the liars and false prophets they have promoted by now, like many still are. In the last 4 years we have been promised, world war 3 to begin, millions of dead from swine flu,disclosure,ascension,pole shifts,spaceships disguised as insignificant comets,artificial asteroids and god knows what else. All if it misinformation, disinformation and lies. Nothing I would like to subject my nephew to, filling full him of fear, disinfo and lies.

    Now, Avalon and Camelot say that the views of the people they interview are not necessarily their own but they are stuck to proven misinformants like Wilcock and Hoagland like glue and Cassidy recently took an all expenses holiday wort £10,000 dollars with Anna Hayes' nonsensical Guardian Alliance cult. Ryan gave us Charles and Inelia. What more do I need to say.( In fairness to Ryan I think he sees Hoagland as a bit of a joke these days.) This is hardly taking a neutral view. The fact is they are not and the two websites have effectively been promoting total rubbish and false prophecy for years. They now represent a disservice to the alternative community. Its fine to say dont throw the baby out with the bath water but I dont see many babies around there.If any.

    Jonah called me the local ney sayer the other day and he is exactly right. I refute and say ney to all the nonsense above and if he would like to say yey to all of that then good luck to him because he will be needing it. Being too open minded can lead to bouts of severe gullibility.

    There is little point in ignoring it because it does represent a real problem for the truth movement. It needs to be addressed and I for one will certainly keep doing that. There is no grey area. Truth or lies. Camelot and Avalon have successfully provided an abundance of the latter for years now. If they cant see that they really are in trouble. Unless of course the misleading is being done with intent. On balance it is much more of a hindrance than a help. It is generally speaking a very effective conduit for misinformation and fantasy, its founder being under the profound influence of a fantasist cult leader. That is enough for me.

    And that is why Project Camelot is now hopeless when so many people had faith in it four or 5 years ago.

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Brook Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:28 am

    Floyd it's not a bad thing to be cautious. After a time I realized too there is lot's of crap out there. and it's about time someone weeded it out. If you can't question things without getting attacked and banned then for gods sake....what is real.

    On the other hand ....there are several things out there that are real.....and this BS just middies the water...making any semblance of the truth look bad.

    this Elenin thing blew everybody's fantasy to hell when the piloted comet disintegrated and did not in fact cause total destruction. Armageddon will have to wait till another day!

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Sanicle Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:05 am

    And the Camelots, the channellers, etc are all great lessons in discernment which we all soooo need right now. I think the 'black and white' people, like you Floyd, are well and truly needed to help guide in this. I love you

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  THEeXchanger Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:09 pm

    many were paid, to create havoc in the original project avalon, and, project camelot
    - seems like THE HOSTS sucked the life out of their biggest contributors
    and, when those people had their 'energetic equations' removed from 'the mix'
    avalon, and camelot, found its place elsewhere :)


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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  mudra Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:26 pm

    Floyd wrote: Being too open minded can lead to bouts of severe gullibility.

    That's like tasting a bit of each ice cream not being able to make up one's mind on which one to buy and ending up with an indigestion.
    At times it's wise to fast.

    Love from me

    Hypothetical Situationist
    Hypothetical Situationist

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Hypothetical Situationist Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:57 pm

    I totally get what you're saying Floyd.

    I think I should probably prefaced my posts by saying that I was more referring to one's intellectual position than a practical position. In practical terms - they should be avoided like the plague because their role has been in actually disabling people from being 'awake and aware', by taking them off on a magical mystery tour of fantasyland, and keeping them there.

    In intellectual terms however, my point was that one need not throw out everything they've ever said, when considering certain possibilities in the private space of one's own mind. I think a few interesting nuggets of information have been given to us through Camelot, and I don't think it's necessary for people (who've already looked through their material) to categorically decide that everything they've ever said is a lie. This is essentially where I was coming from.

    As you say though, I would certainly not recommend them to anyone, especially not a newcomer, as their primary role in this tapestry appears to be in grabbing hold of newcomers with sensational stories, and diverting them from discovering real knowledge by getting them hooked into a science fiction narrative which keeps them in a fake bubble, and disarms them from criticizing real issues. I don't think Kerry does this on purpose though, I think she's just been heavily programmed and is too far gone to see things objectively anymore - a victim more than a criminal. A lot of these people are victims themselves too, and whilst we can deploy warning signs around Camelot and discuss the ins and outs of their propaganda - we don't have to hate them for it.

    We've all been there - 2 years ago I was absolutely engrossed in the Camelot narrative. I was fantasizing about all sorts of nonsense, lapping up the whole narrative and buying the whole package. I dare say most of us have been through a similar experience in some way. We can feel sorry for those who haven't been able to break through it, but we don't have to hate them for it. The other issue is that when you aggressively try and convince someone that everything they've bought into is BS - you're predominantly going to face heavy resistance, as you are essentially trying to replace their current belief system with your own. There are much more tactful and effective ways of going about it.

    However; when it comes to background maneuvering, ulterior motives and the conscious promotion of highly suspect material - they need to be called out for it, and we've had good reason to believe this has been the case in some instances. I will always back that.

    Ps; regarding the lengths of my posts - some people post a constant stream of short statements. I prefer to post less frequent, but longer statements as I feel it more constructive. People have my permission to not read them if they feel they are too long!

    Last edited by Hypothetical Situationist on Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  investigator Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:59 pm

    My favorite quote of all time is "What can you do to help Charles". It was from their forum application process or Bill Ryan.

    Insanely Happy Insanely Happy Insanely Happy Insanely Happy Insanely Happy

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  gscraig Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:30 pm

    It brings a release of sorts knowing that so many more of us are realizing what the core purpose of these alternative sites are really serving...YOU and BS, as an effort to minimize and create doubt your within your awakening. We all are beginning to question our conditioning, surroundings, and true purpose of it all, and that is quite dangerous if allowed to be contagious without control.

    In regards to UFO's...Try reaching out simply by closing your eyes, focusing or meditating (though not mandatory, but does seem to help quite a bit) and make a heart felt request for interaction. Do not feel unworthy and do not believe it is not possible. From there, begin to look and expect to see something above your place of dwelling (and maybe beyond that)as a response.
    The increase in sightings over the past 3 years (300%) is an indication that they are paying more attention at this time. Perhaps you should pay them some, even though it's actually free. :-)

    Lastly, in order to keep you interested and willing, a significant amount of truth would have to be woven in with falsehoods to attain and maintain the disabling referenced previously in this thread.


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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Carol Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:07 pm

    More like too little truth woven into conjecture, fantasy and wishful thinking.

    I'm more of the opinion these days of being open-minded with respect to looking at the data and often come to the conclusion of "I don't know" - meaning there isn't enough factual data to reach a satisfactory conclusion. I've been very disappointed with people who I once thought was credible and later discovered they are so far out in left field they fell off the planet. Richard Hoagland being one example.

    There were some witnesses at the onset with Camelot I really liked. Some appear to have been murdered so their testimony holds a lot more weight then others. And my stand-by are military whistle blowers like Col. Phillip Corso. Having read all of the transcripts that Paola Harris conducted with very credible witnesses I find her method of vetting a whistle blower as very credible as are their testimonies.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Floyd Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:22 am

    investigator wrote:My favorite quote of all time is "What can you do to help Charles". It was from their forum application process or Bill Ryan.

    Insanely Happy Insanely Happy Insanely Happy Insanely Happy Insanely Happy

    That about sums Camelot and Avalon up.

    They would be of more use to the alternative movement if they interviewed Pamela Anderson or Ugly Betty. Procuring the services of these two interviewees would greatly enhance their stature as a meaningful entity in the debate for truth. Instead they give us Charles, Anna Hayes, Hoaxland and Wilcrook along with an entire host of liars, madmen and misinformants. And people donate Crazy Happy

    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Anders10


    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Betty10


    Coming to a truth portal near you soon

    Last edited by Floyd on Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:33 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Floyd Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:32 am

    gscraig wrote:
    Lastly, in order to keep you interested and willing, a significant amount of truth would have to be woven in with falsehoods.

    gs, Im not sure that is right anymore and it just plays into their hands further. The main reason for this is that the 'significant' amount of truth is almost non existent. If existant it all.

    I would also say that maintaining a belief in ufos and alien races is unnecessary for spiritual and philosophical awakening. In many ways I find it a distraction.
    Nature is the key for me. Things of this earth and the force behind the eternally changing and vibrating sub atomic molecules that bind them.

    I also happen to think that people are going to wait a very long time for a disclosure of any kind no matter what the misinforming like Wilcock provide us with

    Last edited by Floyd on Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Floyd Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:54 am

    Hypothetical Situationist wrote:

    As you say though, I would certainly not recommend them to anyone, especially not a newcomer, as their primary role in this tapestry appears to be in grabbing hold of newcomers with sensational stories, and diverting them from discovering real knowledge by getting them hooked into a science fiction narrative which keeps them in a fake bubble, and disarms them from criticizing real issues. I don't think Kerry does this on purpose though, I think she's just been heavily programmed

    This is very true and well said HS. I cant recall saying I hate Cassidy. That is probably because I dont. Im sure she is very nice on an individual level but im not interested in that. I greatly regret what Camelot and Avalon are effectively doing which is basically providing endless amounts of total crap for the newcomer to alternative thinking to be bogged down in. What I have said is that her camelot portal(along with Avalon) is more or less useless and it is important that people are made aware of that for the exact reasons you have stated above. I agree, I think the idea of her being is a paid misinformant is false as it is way beyond her scope. She has been played as has Ryan (look at the Charles fiasco and Burisch) and it is a good thing if they realise this. Also for their members and lurkers.

    A little prompting for them, harsh as it may seem, helps.

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:09 am

    Floyd wrote:I also happen to think that people are going to wait a very long time for a disclosure of any kind no matter what the misinforming like Wilcock provide us with
    And even if an official 'Grand Disclosure' would take place, again a significant amount of falsehoods will be woven in with truth.

    Or are we supposed to trust NASA (Never A Straight Answer) now - all of a sudden? I for one would be very sceptic.

    investigator wrote: My favorite quote of all time is "What can you do to help Charles". It was from their forum application process or Bill Ryan.

    And yes indeed people, What can we do to help Charles? And Bill! Kerry! Dill Beagle! Dr Rubbisch! Dickhead! What can we do to help them?

    Crazy Happy Nutbar drunken

    Or is that a different thread?

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Floyd Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:30 am

    Bill Deagle is just so bad its beyond comprehension. He often made me want to throw up.

    This is what Dr. Deagle predicted starting Oct 7th 2008, Bill Ryans Buddy prophesied this.

    1) Financial Collapse
    2) Martial Law
    3) Nuclear attacks
    4) Avian Flu
    5) Famine

    guest what???

    A fine example of the fear and disinformation heavily profiled by Projects Camelot and Avalon.

    There should be an Misinformant/delusional maniac of the year OSCARS awards for these people

    We should host it here on the mists. Red carpet treatment and all.
    Hypothetical Situationist
    Hypothetical Situationist

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Hypothetical Situationist Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:47 am

    Floyd wrote:Bill Deagle is just so bad its beyond comprehension. He often made me want to throw up.

    This is what Dr. Deagle predicted starting Oct 7th 2008, Bill Ryans Buddy prophesied this.

    1) Financial Collapse
    2) Martial Law
    3) Nuclear attacks
    4) Avian Flu
    5) Famine

    guest what???

    A fine example of the fear and disinformation heavily profiled by Projects Camelot and Avalon.

    There should be an Misinformant/delusional maniac of the year OSCARS awards for these people

    We should host it here on the mists. Red carpet treatment and all.


    Bill Deagle is incredible. I think he may be a contender for disinformant of the year, if he's still going that is. He came out with some really strong, documented material at points, but he mixed it in with so much nonsense that I am almost convinced he is a paid disinformant. Every time I listened to one of his interviews, he had something new on the go..

    Once it was a solar flare which was going to wipe out half the world's power grid, causing absolute pandemonium.

    Another time it was an earthquake, triggered by the gulf oil spill, which was going to cause a 1500m high tsunami which would wipe out coastlines across the atlantic.

    If i remember correctly, a 'real' alien invasion by the 'regressive types' was in there somewhere too, among other things.

    Every time you listened to him, it was as if the previous claims were never made, and he happily started up the next wild prediction, each one getting more outlandish than the last. He seemed to have no concern for continuity or credibility - he just kept pumping them out, and Camelot kept giving him a platform to do so..
    Hypothetical Situationist
    Hypothetical Situationist

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Hypothetical Situationist Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:16 pm

    Ps; if you remove the braces, pull back her hair and perhaps switch the clothing around - Ugly Betty is not ugly at all...

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:41 pm


    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Crazyp10


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Hopeless Project Camelot - Page 3 Empty Re: Hopeless Project Camelot

    Post  mudra Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:56 pm

    In the early days of PA I used to listen to every new interview Bill and Kerry had made.
    I liked Wilcock so I listened to his too . My focus faded away from there after a while though.
    I concentrated on my own lines of interest and found PA's community open enough to accept
    me as I am. I continue to do so nowadays here in the Mists.
    Recently I cancelled most of my youtube subscriptions as I found that being overloaded with
    datas was distracting me from inner silence, inner guidance.
    The less I " feed " myself with second hand information these days the better I feel .
    As I said somewhere above at times one needs to fast. Letting go of it all is a great process.

    Love from me

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